Dennis Z.
5min Read

From Setup to Success: How to Configure WHMCS for the First Time

How to Configure WHMCS for the First Time

Congratulations on taking the first step towards launching your web hosting journey by installing WHMCS! This powerful platform can help you manage your web hosting business efficiently and effectively, ensuring a smooth experience for both you and your customers.

Now that you’ve got WHMCS up and running, it’s time to configure it for the first time. In this post, I’ll guide you through the necessary steps to ensure that your WHMCS installation is set up properly and ready to go.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to customize your WHMCS installation to meet your specific needs, including setting up support departments, configuring email templates, and much more. So, let’s dive in and get started on configuring WHMCS for the first time!

We’ll assume you’ve already purchased a Reseller Hosting plan and ready to begin the setup.

How to configure WHMCS for the first time using the Getting Started Wizard

WHMCS setup wizard

After successfully installing and logging into your WHMCS admin area for the first time, you’ll be greeted with the “getting started wizard” screen. This helpful setup wizard will guide you through the initial configuration process, ensuring that everything is set up correctly from the get-go.

From branding your site to configuring payment gateways, and even setting up your first hosting server, the setup wizard takes you step-by-step through the process. With its assistance, you can rest assured that all of the necessary components for running your web hosting business are in place and ready to go.

To begin just click on “Next”

1. General settings

whmcs getting started wizard, general settings

Company Name: Please input the name of your brand, business or company. This particular name will be prominently displayed on all emails and receipts that are sent to your clients.

Logo: If you have already created a logo for your website, you can select it and upload it to your WHMCS installation. This logo will be used in email headers and website headers, adding a touch of professionalism and brand recognition to your business.

Email Address: This field requires you to enter the main administrator email that your customers can use to contact you. Make sure to provide an email address that you regularly check, as it will be the primary means of communication between you and your clients.

Address: This field is where you can input your registered business address or home address. This address will be displayed on payment receipts and other public places of your website, so make sure to provide an accurate and up-to-date address.

Country: Please select the country where your business is based. This information will help your clients understand your location and provide them with the necessary context when conducting business with you.

Language: Use this field to select your preferred language for your WHMCS billing area. Choosing the right language ensures that your clients will have a smooth and seamless experience when using your website.

After you have completed filling out the necessary information, simply click on the “next” button to move on to the next stage of setup, which involves configuring your payment settings.

2. Payments

whmcs setup wizard payments

WHMCS comes with two pre-configured payment options by default, but you can always add more payment gateways later. We will cover this in more detail in upcoming tutorials.

For now, I recommend enabling PayPal as your primary payment gateway. Simply enter a valid email address in the designated field, even if you do not have a PayPal account yet. Once you receive your first payment, you will be prompted to create a PayPal account.

It’s important to note that there may be a major challenge in receiving PayPal payments in Nigeria. If you are based in Nigeria, it may be necessary to use alternative payment methods before being able to receive payments via PayPal. In this case, you can skip the PayPal setup process for now. here’s a guide on How to receive money through PayPal in Nigeria.

3. Domains

WHMCS domains

If you intend to offer domain registration services, it is necessary to enable domains. Simply select the popular TLDs and set the pricing. You can configure individual pricing for each TLD later.

Before you can successfully automate the sale of domains, you’ll need to create a domain reseller account with a us. When you click on next you’ll also be prompted with a screen to create an eNom account as well.

Create an account with eNom in WHMCS

4. Web Hosting – Adding your first server

setting up cpanel server

It is now time to connect your WHMCS to your first server. All the necessary information for this step should have been delivered to your email upon signing up for your reseller hosting plan. Below is a copy of the email I received from HOSTAFRICA.

Reseller Hosting Login details

To enter the hostname/IP address, simply copy the IP address provided in the email you received. For example, in the email above, the IP address is Next, copy your username and password and paste them into the appropriate fields. Click on “Verify Connection” to complete the process.

As shown in the screenshot below, the connection was successful, and the server’s name and primary IP address have been pre-filled.

setting up cpanel server

Next, I will add my custom nameservers and proceed. Please note that for these nameservers to work properly, you need to configure them in your DNS zones, which is a straightforward process.

Simply create an A record in your cPanel zone editor for the domain and point it to the IP address provided. Then create two records, one for ns1 and one for ns2, and point them to our hosting account IP address. Click on “Next” and then “Finish.”


In conclusion, configuring WHMCS for the first time may seem daunting, but with the step-by-step guide on how to Configure WHMCS for the First Time, you can easily set up your WHMCS and start offering web hosting services to your clients.

From setting up your company information and payment gateways to connecting your WHMCS to your server and enabling domain registration services, this tutorial has covered all the essential steps required to configure WHMCS for the first time.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your clients receive professional and seamless web hosting experience, making your business stand out in a competitive market. With further customization and configuration, you can take your web hosting business to the next level, and the possibilities are endless.

We hope you found this tutorial helpful and informative. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team if you encounter any issues or have further questions. Happy hosting!

The Author

Dennis Z.