An Overview of the ICT Revolution in Nigeria

Hello! Today, I Intend to enlighten you on the ICT revolution in Nigeria. I am sure you are quite aware of what Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is and its importance; apparently, you are enjoying one right now, so I am going to spare you the unnecessary stress and dive into how ICT has revolutionized Nigeria, its impacts (negative and positive), how to adapt to the changes and benefit financially.
Before the ICT revolution, although some of us were not born, on account of history, Nigeria was dark, and life was hard. I am sure our parents wished they were born in this time or if they could deduct the years from those dark ages and add it to this one so they can enjoy it for a long time.
ICT introduction began with the historical development of telecommunications which was the gateway to the outside world. Subsequently, mobile devices, the internet, social networking, big data, and computing clouds have revolutionized work practices in offices, businesses, and healthcare.
However, the development of ICT has evolved from the primary devices meant for simple tasks to sophisticated instruments capable of handling both simple and complicated tasks.
The role of ICT has increased rapidly as a result of social progress and development in science and technology around the world. As a result, the need for transforming to a more scientific approach regarding information, communication, and technology was needed. These ICT devices have led to the general development of our national economy, educational advancement, and nation-building.
Impact of the ICT Revolution
We can see the Impacts of the revolution on economic growth and other areas in Nigeria. However, I will generally focus on the positive and negative impacts of the revolution cause exploring all of the impacts on these areas would require an entire article dedicated to each.
Positive Impact
- Computer Technology
- The Use of the Internet for Connecting to the World
- Access to Information and Education
- Increased efficiency of workers and organization
- Access to goods and services
- Economic opportunity/development
Computer Technology

One of the positive impacts of this revolution is the development in the field of computer technology. Since the first development of modern electronic digital computers in the 1940s, computerization has infiltrated almost every area of society in this nation with advanced technology. Computers are available in many formats for use in industries, businesses, hospitals, schools, universities, transport networks, and individual homes. Small or large, a computer network exists to provide computer users with the means of communicating and transferring information electronically.
The Use of the Internet for Connecting to the World

I need not expatiate on this, not cos I don’t want to, but I can’t tell you what you already know of. If you don’t, you won’t be here. What can’t be ignored is how the internet has brought us all together in the world. No matter where you are? with your phone or computer, you can interact and know what’s going on in any part of the world, making us more connected than ever before.
You are also familiar with the World Wide Web which is a library of resources available to computer users through the global Internet. It enables users to view a wide variety of information, including magazines, archives, public and college library resources, and current world and business news. WWW resources are organized so that users can easily move from one resource to another. As a result, the government set up initiatives to promote more ICT developments in Nigeria
Access to Information and Education

The use of the Internet has revolutionized access to information for the business world, libraries, education, and individuals. Most popular include: E-mail (electronic mail), World Wide Web, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), Usenet, and Telnet. The Internet and its technology continue to have a profound effect in promoting the sharing of information especially in the academic world, making it possible to improve learning efficiency, improve IT literacy of students and reduce the burden on teachers.
Learning resource centers now often contain learning materials published on CD-ROM and most colleges are connected to the Internet, some even develop “virtual campuses” and thus increase student access and participation tackling distance challenges for some. Information communication technology has provided students with disabilities access to materials that enable them to express their thoughts in words, and designs to learn like normal students.
Increased Efficiency of Workers and Organization.
ICT has helped a lot of people to increase work efficiency and output. Tasks for example which usually took me days to complete before the revolution now take me just a few hours to complete. Less wastage, new collaborative models, promoting innovation, and increased cash flow, revenue, and production for organizations have all been made possible by the ICT revolution.
Access to Goods and Services
One of the major benefits of the ICT revolution for us all is easy access to goods and services. communication is key to getting anything you want and with the Internet, it got even better. With your phone or computer, you can buy anything from anywhere in the world and have it delivered to your doorstep without leaving your house. ICT provides quick access to affordable, and better means of communication in the form of Instant messaging, and social media. These means serve to promote the dissemination of goods and services on time and to a wider audience.
Economic Opportunity/Development

ICT provides economic opportunities to both urban and rural populations. One common contribution is that it increases productivity and makes the market work more efficiently, although the magnitude of the impact on economic growth is likely to be different base on the sector. regardless of the sector, ICT has strong potential to transform economies and societies in several ways, such as reducing information and transaction costs..among others.
Negative Impacts
You will agree with me that for every good thing, there is a bad side attached to it. The ICT revolution in Nigeria is not left out by the negative impacts it brings. I am going to make you aware of some in case you were ignorant, don’t get it twisted, the negative impacts are not undermining the ICT revolution and all its benefits, but striking a balance that will help you set limitations and be cautious of everything you do with it. They include:
- Reduced physical activity
- Academic dishonesty/plagiarism
- Cyberbullying
- Immoral behavior
- Decreased communication and intimacy.
Reduced Physical Activity

This is one of the biggest issues with the ICT revolution in Nigeria. Everyday digital technologies are sedentary (sitting a lot). More extended use of these technologies promotes a more sedentary lifestyle, which is known to have negative health effects, such as contributing to obesity, Cardiovascular disease, and ADHD. Physical activities have been seen now as a second option, most don’t even have the time or choose not to have the time for any physical activity anymore.
Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism
This is another negative impact of the ICT revolution as cases of copyright and plagiarism are on the increase daily. ICT has made people lazy in developing their works(projects, assignments, novels, essays, journals, dissertations, etc…) themselves. Due to the wide availability of information and materials on the internet, you will be tempted to just pick up anything that relates to what you want to write, Instead of researching and using the content you get online to serve as a guide.

Cyberbullying has become another threat in Nigeria. Cyberbullying is the use of digital technologies mostly on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms, and mobile phones aimed at scaring, angering, and shaming their victims repeatedly. This has led to suicide, murder, and a lack of confidence in the victim.
Immoral Behavior
Immorality has become widely spread in Nigeria due to the ICT revolution. Pornography, gambling, cybercrime, and fraud are among the many dangers we face. Daily kids and teens are exposed to what will make them and what will break them. Most have lost their properties and income as a result of the fraudulent and gambling activities carried out on the internet and also have been jailed for breach of privacy by hacking both individuals and corporate organizations. The way out is to watch what your kids spend time on the internet and set restrictions on the usage for yourself as well.
Decreased Communication and Intimacy
This has impacted a lot of relationships badly as most tend to become addicted to the internet and rely on it for the pleasure of not being lonely. But the internet cant fulfill all your desires, when they realize it, it’s too late. Their partner is gone. Not everyone can tolerate you spending time on the phone or computer. My advice for you set boundaries and create some time for your spouse and interact with friends around whom you can see not online, cos when in trouble or in need, they will be the ones available to help.
How can you Adapt to the ICT Revolution?
- Don’t be rigid with your principles
- Accept that new technologies are changing the way you work and operate in the world.
- Discontinue your old methods, ideas, and tactics.
- Acquire new skills that help you provide value in the future.
- Progress daily and don’t stop learning.
- Track the environment for new changes.
How to Benefit Financially from the ICT Revolution
- Digital Marketing
- Web hosting
- Web and application development
- Photography
- Social media management
- Content writing and creation
- Copywriting
- Data Analysis
- Web management
- Graphics design.
Additionally, The pace of change brought by these new technologies has had a significant effect on the way people live, work, and play in Nigeria. New and emerging technologies challenge the traditional process of teaching and learning, and the way education is managed. New and arising innovations challenge the customary course of instructing and learning, and how schooling is made due. Even though information technology is a significant field of study in and of itself, it is having a significant impact on all subject areas of the curriculum. Access to a vast array of data and challenging assimilation and evaluation abilities are made possible by global communication, you and I are a living testimony of this.