Lindy dB.
3min Read

Customer Announcement: 2021 Price Review

2021 Price Review

Dear Valued Customers,

Due to vendor increases and the cost of maintaining our infrastructure, we review and adjust our prices each year to continue to offer the best services and support that we can. In light of COVID and the financial impact it has had on all of us, we have attempted to shield you from these increases as much as possible.

However, some of our pricing structure has been adjusted in line with annual vendor increases and this may impact products or services you are utilising. Many of our services have moved to a ‘Per Resource’ model to ensure you are only paying for the resources you are using. We urge you to read through this blog to ensure you are aware of any price changes that may affect you.

A price increase will, therefore, be implemented on the following services:

Virtual Servers

Our Virtual Server pricing has been changed to a per resource model and hence we have established new packages in line with this. Existing Virtual server prices will be impacted by our IP address price increase from R19 to R20.

Linux Cloud Servers

Our Linux Cloud Server pricing has been changed to a per resource model and hence we have established new packages in line with this. Existing Virtual server prices will be impacted by our IP address price increase from R19 to R20.

Windows Cloud Servers

Our Windows Cloud Server pricing has been changed to a per resource model and hence we have established new packages in line with this. Existing Windows Cloud Servers will be impacted by our IP address price increase from R19 to R20. Due to vendor increases, as well as the exchange rate, we will also be billing Windows Cloud Servers using the new per resource model(R65 per CPU Core, R65 per GB, per R1 per GB SSD)


We will be increasing the price of our domain registration and renewal from R79 to R89. This is due to the price increase by the ZACR registry.

Web Hosting

Due to vendor increases, as well as the exchange rate we will also be increasing pricing on our Web Starter and Web Basic Packages.

For existing products/contacts: effective date is April 1st 2021.

For all new signups on our website, the price increase is effective immediately.

Please feel free to reach out to our support team via ticket should you have any queries/concerns.

Domains R89 per year

Web Hosting

Starter R79 per month
Basic R109 per month

Virtual Server Linux

v1 R110 per month
v2 R185 per month
v3 R260 per month
v4 R370 per month
v5 R740 per month
v6 R1100 per month
v7 R1480 per month
v8 R2480 per month
v9 R4100 per month
Individual Resource Pricing (per month)
CPU R45 per Core
RAM R45 per GB
SSD Storage R1 per GB

Cloud Server Linux

c1 R130 per month
c2 R215 per month
c3 R300 per month
c4 R430 per month
c5 R860 per month
c6 R1290 per month
c7 R1720 per month
c8 R2920 per month
c9 R4900 per month
Individual Resource Pricing (per month)
CPU R55 per Core
RAM R55 per GB
SSD Storage R1 per GB

Cloud Server Windows

w1 R490 per month
w2 R1130 per month
w3 R1470 per month
w4 R1960 per month
w5 R3360 per month
w6 R5700 per month
Individual Resource Pricing (per month)
CPU R65 per Core
RAM R65 per GB
SSD Storage R1 per GB

Server Addons

IP Address R20 per IP per month

The Author

Lindy dB.

Lindy brings over 7 years of experience in SEO, web development, UI/UX design, and marketing to the table, with a special focus on the hosting industry. When not geeking out over the latest digital trends, you can find Lindy buried in a good book or exploring worlds in video games.

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