Michael O.
3min Read

Linux – the Swiss Army Knife of Operating Systems

Linux - the Swiss Army Knife of Operating Systems

Even if you are a die-hard Windows or Mac user, knowing a bit about Linux and how to use it can be a useful skill and it can be an awesome tool if you just allow it to do what it does best – working 24/7 and using very few resources doing that, requiring very little attention to keep running.

I have had Linux servers run for 5 years with no updates, upgrades or issues.

The truth of the matter is that once a Linux system is set-up properly, it can run without any intervention for a long time.

(By the way, the only reason the 5 year running system had to be shut down was to move it to new offices – where it ran for another 3 years before being retired.)

Here are a couple of ways in which you can use Linux.

Use Linux to solve issues on other computers

Without even installing Linux, you can use it. To do this, you just need to download a “Live” CD – you can boot from this without changing anything on your computer.

It can be used to rescue you from your forgotten password, sorting out boot-up issues and accessing files on a hard-drive that won’t boot anymore. It can even assist in recovering from a disk format.

Host a Website or WebApp

An amazing percentage of websites on the internet run on Linux. Aside from the ease of web hosting on Linux, you can also install really cool web-based applications.

This can be done on a Virtual Private Server at HOSTAFRICA. You can also install your own Dropbox clone called OwnCloud or your own RSS reader.

Migrating hard drives or adjusting partitions

If you ever need to migrate from a regular hard drive to an SSD or a larger drive, Linux can make the job so much easier.

Moving or re-sizing existing partitions is also easy with Linux. If you need to securely wipe data, Linux is the tool to use.

Linux is the go-to tool for many a data-forensics analyst. It can make a 100% accurate clone of a hard disk without touching the original data.

Viewing data that is impossible to see from a Windows Operating system is also something that Linux can do. Inspecting a computer virus without worries is one of the fun things you can do as well.

Run a home server for backup or as a media server

Linux does not need the latest and greatest hardware to run on. If you have an old computer at home that cannot keep up any more, install Linux on it.

Use it to connect your smart-TV to, or to backup those files that you never get around to backing up or simply as extra storage space. All you have to do is buy a new hard disk with enough space for your needs.

Breathe new life into an old laptop

Install a lightweight version like LUBUNTU on an old laptop and be amazed that it is suddenly working at a speed it never could with Windows.

Linux has always had “lite” versions that can run with very little memory and a slow processor. These ‘lite’ versions can still be fully functional, they just do away with a lot of cosmetic features.

Happy Hosting 🙂

The Author

Michael O.

Michael is the founder, managing director, and CEO of HOSTAFRICA. He studied at Friedrich Schiller University Jena and was inspired by Cape Town's beauty to bring his German expertise to Africa. Before HOSTAFRICA, Michael was the Managing Director of Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange AG, one of Germany's largest virtual server providers.

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