Why choose HOSTAFRICA as my cloud hosting provider?

SMME focussed
At HOSTAFRICA, we realize that one of the major obstacles to the growth of Small, Medium and Macro Enterprises (SMME’s) is cash flow, or rather, lack thereof. Ths is why we focus on providing the best value for money at each tier. If your business is successful, ours is too. Get web hosting in Nigeria.
We rely on your prosperity to enable us to provide you with the services you need. Our packages are structured to grow with your company. Upgrades can be done with very little, and in some cases no downtime.
Add to this the fact that all our hosting is done on SSD to give you the best possible response from your server and you have a great value for money deal.
Big enough to matter, small enough to care
Through our German affiliate, Dogado (hosting over 100,000 VPS’s), we have some leverage over our Software vendors.
We are also at the front line as far as pushing the new product envelope is concerned.
As a result, many of the features on our customer platform were developed at our request after feedback from you, our customer. We do not let the size of our customers have an effect on our support levels. Our smallest customer is as important as our largest.
We work hard at training our call centre staff continually. The field in which we are is one of continuous development and improvement. As a modern company, we embrace the concept of lifelong learning and enjoy new challenges.
German engineering at HOSTAFRICA
Our company grew out of a passion for excellence coupled with precision and minute attention to detail. These traits are what received from our German roots and we are proud of this. South Africa also has a rich culture and the German culture has also had a major contribution to our South African heritage.
Our business partners and our customers all benefit from our drive for perfection and our “German Engineering”.
Roots from an established hosting provider
The company that we model our infrastructure design and architecture on is our German affiliate, Dogado. Dogado has gone through the mill, been there and done that. They have built a successful model that has dealt with all the issues we will still face. We are geared to cope because we use them as a model.
At HOSTAFRICA, we have access to their skills pool should we run into an issue that we cannot solve (not very often). Dogado also serves as a backup resource if one of our engineers is not available. As a result, our customers can rest assured that we have all bases covered.
Happy Hosting!