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How to Change/Update your WHOIS Registrant Information

How to Change/Update your WHOIS Registrant Information

We all know that most people love to keep privacy and do not want anyone to know that they are really the ones that have registered a particular domain or the owner of a particular website or domain name. This is one of the major reasons why some consider changing or updating their WHOIS registrant information.

What is WHOIS registrant information?

WHOIS registrant information refers to the details of the individual or organization that has registered a particular domain name. This information typically includes the registrant’s name, address, email address, phone number, and other contact details. You can check your current WHOIS registrant information to see whether yours is public or private.

The purpose of WHOIS registrant information is to provide transparency and accountability in the domain name system. This information is publicly available in the WHOIS database, which is a directory of all registered domain names and their associated information. The WHOIS database allows anyone to look up a domain name and find out who owns it when it was registered, and other relevant details.

However, in some cases, individuals or organizations may choose to keep their registrant information private by using a domain privacy service. This service replaces the registrant’s personal information with the generic contact information provided by the privacy service, such as the name and contact details of the private company.

Furthermore, the Nigerian Internet Registration Association NiRA which is the registry for .ng domains currently does not provide registrant information privacy for .ng domains.

In this guide, we shall be taking you through the simple ways to update or change your registrant information on the WHOIS database.

How to Change or Update WHOIS Information

  • Before doing this, ensure that you have a registered domain with us
  • Then, log in to your hosting account
  • Click on the Domain section as seen in the image below
  • Then, select the particular domain if you have multiple domains
  • Click the edit information as seen in the image below
  • On the next page, you edit your WHOIS registrant information as well as other account registration information for a particular domain name like the Tech, Admin, and AuxBiling information.

I hope this guide was helpful.


The Author