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How to Register a .sch.ng Domain Name with HOSTAFRICA

How to register a .sch.ng domain

What is .sch.ng domain?

The .sch.ng domain is a second-level domain (SLD) under the .ng country code top-level domain (ccTLD) reserved for Nigerian educational institutions such as primary schools, secondary schools,  or other non-degree awarding educational institutions in Nigeria.

The .sch.ng domain is a great way for Nigerian educational institutions to establish a strong online presence. Here are a few things to note about the domain:

  • The domain is exclusively reserved for educational institutions in Nigeria, which makes it a great way to showcase your institution’s affiliation with the country’s educational system.
  • The domain is a second-level domain (SLD), which means that it is a step below the top-level domain (TLD) .ng. This allows educational institutions to create a unique web address that reflects their brand.
  • The .sch.ng domain is not just limited to tertiary institutions. Primary and secondary schools can also benefit from the domain, as it can help them establish a professional and trustworthy online presence.

The .sch.ng domain is a restricted TLD and you need to submit some documents to prove that you are a regulated/approved Primary, Secondary education organization to register this domain.

Requirements to Register .sch.ng domain:

Since .sch.ng domain is restricted only to Primary & Secondary educational institutions in Nigeria like Schools etc. So you need to submit documents to prove that your school is approved by the Government. To Register the .sch.ng domain, you need to complete the following requirements:

  1. Copy of Registration Documents with the CAC (Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria) or partnership under relevant laws of Partnership laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria or sole proprietor/registered business name as defined by laws of Nigeria.
  2. Copy of Documents for verifying accreditation by relevant body and government for the provision of Non-Degree awarding institutions.
  3. A Letter from the head of the institution with your Institution’s contact details.

Once all the above documents are completed, you can place an order for .sch.ng domain registration. You can simply follow the below steps to place .sch.ng domain registration.

  1. Search your .sch.ng domain: Simply enter the desired domain name in the search box and the buy .ng domain page and click “Search”. If the domain is available, you can proceed with registration. If it’s unavailable, suggested alternatives will be provided or you can search for another .ng domain name.
  2. Fill in your Registrant details: After selecting your ideal .ng domain name, the next step is to create an account on HOSTAFRICA. This process requires you to fill in your personal details which will be used as your Domain’s Registrant Information.
  3. Pay for your Domain Name: The final step is to review your order summary and then Proceed to checkout, where you can make the payment via Debit/Credit Cards or through Bank. Once the payment is done, your domain name will be instantly activated.
  4. Forward the required documents for .sch.ng domain: Once you have paid the invoice then you need to send us the documents to complete the registration of your domain. The .sch.ng is a restricted/closed TLD and there are some requirements to register this extension. Please read the above-mentioned requirements for more details. Below is the format for the “Letter from the head of the institution” Follow the below format or pattern to write the letter to avoid delays.
  5. Wait for Approval: We will then send all the above documents to NIRA (Nigeria Internet Registration Association) the .NG domains Registry for approval. After they have verified your documents, your domain will be activated and you can then start using it.

Generally, it takes 7 days or less for the documents to be verified and the domain to be activated. If you have any further queries regarding this, you can contact our support anytime. We will answer all your questions. You can also contact our Chat Support Team at our website for any kind of query regarding the registration of the .sch.ng domain. Once your domain is approved and activated by NIRA, you will get an update from us on your registered email. After the activation of your domain name, you can start managing your domain name directly from your account.

After you have submitted these documents, we will forward them to NIRA (.NG Domains Registry) for approval. After they have verified all your documents, they will then activate your domain name. We will then inform you once your domain is active & ready for use.

In most cases, the documents are approved and the domain is activated in under 1 Week.

Overall, the .sch.ng domain is a great choice for Nigerian educational institutions looking to establish a strong online presence that reflects their affiliation with the country’s educational system.

Letterhead of the Institution



Nigeria Internet Registration Association,

8, Funsho Williams Avenue, Iponri, Surulere,

Lagos, Nigeria.

Subject: Application for .sch.ng domain registration

Dear Sir/Madam,

Our institute, [Your institute Name] approved by [name of accredited organization] for [education level] has adopted the domain name [your_domain_name].

We will be very grateful if the [domain_name] could be registered by us.

We attached hereby our Registration certificate and Accreditation documents.

We shall be very thankful to you for this.

Yours faithfully,


[Name of the Authorized Signatory]

[Post of the Signatory]

The Author