7 Rules For Writing Great Product Descriptions Compelling product description will always pay off. Ensure that you share maximum understandable information about the product for customers.
Google Adsense for Nigeria Google Adsense is a contextual advertising network designed for online publishers to make money from their content. This means Google displays advertisement on your video, blog, news portal or other form of website that is extremely relevant to your audience.
What Do I Need Before Launching My Online Store? How To Start An Online Store One of the intentions of every business owner investing in eCommerce is to skyrocket its sales volume. Achieving such an objective is never easy […]
How To Obtain Competitive Advantage Using Technology Many companies currently apply technology competitive advantage to achieve essential strategies in the dynamic industry. Without technology, a company operates minus competitive advantage since there is no unique way of […]
How Important is the Unique Selling Point (USP) in E-Commerce? With the current technological advancement, many businesses are adopting internet marketing and online selling as their means of survival. One-on-one selling is still in existence, although many entrepreneurs are migrating […]
How E-commerce Strategies Build a Better Customer Relationship One of the secrets of blooming in online business is having a perfect relationship with your customers. As much as buyers usually look for high-quality products and services, the way […]
Why is your E-Commerce Website not Selling? Online selling is the mode that every business entrepreneur wants to practice. This is due to the simplicity and fast speed involved in conducting advertisement, sales, and other transactions. Nevertheless, […]
What to Do To Succeed in E-Commerce Online transactions are what most entrepreneurs are lately depending on for their businesses to thrive. Selling online is not however easy as you may think. Just like direct transactions, you […]
How to Market Your Business or Professional Service in the Digital Era How To Market Your Business 1. Create a Website Every existing business should have a website. The size of the business does not matter. Nowadays, small, medium-sized, and large businesses all […]